Macintosh mega vs megasync folder
Macintosh mega vs megasync folder

macintosh mega vs megasync folder

:-) Original frustrated post below (written before I knew syncing symlinks worked at least in newer versions of linux).

macintosh mega vs megasync folder

You can sense the passion and investment I have in this software and this problem. This would at least allow me to do this workaround since following of symlinks is not working on these servers. You can program the software to see the sync folder pairs that exist and not do an endless loop etc. However not syncing symlink folders for older versions like Ubuntu 14.04 (even though for Dropbox they did.) Would love a fix for this if possible (considering Dropbox had it working) Also there's the second bug I point out with creating a sync folder pair from an outside folder inside of an already synced folder. Edit: Symlinks appear to be working as I would like for at least newer versions of Linux.

Macintosh mega vs megasync folder