
Press Windows Key + R and enter msconfig.This is quite simple, and you can do it by following these steps: Since many of these applications start automatically with Windows, it’s advised that you perform a Clean boot and disable all startup applications and services.
Third-party applications can sometimes interfere with Bluestacks and cause Bluestacks to get stuck on initializing. To fix this problem, disable all startup applications and try to run Bluestacks again.
Bluestacks stuck on just a sec – Several users reported this issue on their PC. To fix the problem, make sure that your antivirus isn’t interfering with Bluestacks. Bluestacks stuck on welcome screen – This is another issue that can prevent Bluestacks from running. To fix the problem, simply end those processes and check if that helps. Bluestacks stuck on starting engine – Sometimes this issue can occur due to Bluestacks processes running in the background. Bluestacks stuck on initializing screen Windows 10 – This problem can appear on almost any version of Windows, and even if you don’t use Windows 10, you should be able to apply most of our solutions to your version of Windows. This can be a big problem, and speaking of problems, here are some similar issues that users reported: What can I do if BlueStacks Engine won’t start?īluestacks is a useful application, but many users reported that Bluestacks gets stuck on initializing. If there’s a driver problem, you might even get Blue Screen of Death errors in BlueStacks, but there are ways to fix that. In case the installation is damaged, BlueStacks won’t open on your PC, so it’s repairing its installation is recommended. A damaged installation can’t run properly, so you might have to reinstall the software. This issue can occur if BlueStacks failed to install properly on your PC. Why cannot I start BlueStacks on Windows 11? Home › Fix › BlueStacks engine won't start